Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2x04 - Kitchen Casanova

Zack is sitting at his stand in art class. He is mixing what appears to be "paint"...

Zack: There we go, perfect consistency. (has a spoonful of the mixture) Oh, man I love pudding!

London is sitting beside Zack. She has a mirror put on her canvas stand and is putting make up on her face.

London (scoffs): Wow. Beautiful...just one more little touch. (rubs in some make up)

Zack: London, this is not a make up class.

London: Yes, that's exactly what it is. I failed art last semester and they said I needed to take a make up class. (chuckles) Easy A!

Zack: No, London, what they meant was...

Before Zack can finish, London rubs the make up tool in his nose, and he begins to tremble...

Zack: No...achoo!

He sneezes a big blurt of the pudding onto his art canvas. The class lean back in disgust.

Zack (to London): Thanks a lot!


In the Home Economics kitchen on the ship. Bailey is at a bench sat next to Woody.

Bailey: Woody, I'm glad to see one guy in our school is involved enough to sign up for home ec.

Woody: Oh, I'm just here to hit on Addison. (looks over at a girl at the back) Plus, it's the only class where you can eat your homework.

Addison runs over to Woody and Bailey's bench.

Addison (in a rush): Hey, guys, what do you think we'll make today? Maybe it'll be a salad, or a casserole, or a hearty soup, or...oh, I hope it's something with broccoli! (takes some broccoli from their bench) I love broccoli! It's like eating little trees, makes me feel like I'm a giant. Oh, oh, oh, little tree, then I'm a giant...(bites into it)

Bailey: Whatever keeps her mouth busy.

Cody walks in wearing a chef outfit, Addison goes back to her seat.

Cody: Good morning, class. I am...Mr. Martin. (writes his name on the blackboard). But you may call me sir, or chef, or...sir chef.

Bailey: I think I have a crush on the teacher. (waves at him, Cody gives a half-wave back).

Reina: What happened to Mrs Westfall?

Cody: She was chopping onions when we hit that big wave...yeah, wasn't pretty...
Woody: And so they're letting you teach?

Reina: I knew I should've taken art.

Cody: Well, food is art. Art that you can eat.

Woody (gasps): Yes!

Cody (has a tomato): For example, is this a tomato?

The class ad-limb stuff like 'yeah', and 'looks like it'. Cody turns to the demonstration bench and madly cuts at it with his knife. The class look on at him with eagerness, as he turns and shows a rose has been formed out of the tomato.

Cody: Or a rose, for you dinner date?

The class applaud Cody, as he walks by Bailey showing it off to her. She goes to grab it, but Cody walks on to Reina and flatters her with it.

Reina: Oh, you are good.

Cody: Alright, let's starts with some basics. Who knows how to reduce vinegar and shallots to make a beurre blanc? (pause) OK, who knows how to flash caramelise filbert shards? (pause; the class stare at him blankly; continues with a slow voice) OK, who knows what an egg is? (the class all raise their hands)

Bailey: I know everything there is to know about eggs. I've collected them, candled them and even pulled them right out of the cloacae. (pause) The single, multi-purpose opening in the chicken's...

Cody (going to the front): OK, let's save the chicken-chit-chat for the lunchroom. Let's learn how to crack an egg. Or shall I say, four eggs. (cracks four eggs; the class 'whoaw' him. Bailey cracks her egg) And when you're done with that, we're going to make a mirange, so everyone pick up your whisk. (the class look confused) The thing that you used as a wand when you were a kid and dressed up like a fairy princess.

Woody goes over to Addison's bench.

Woody: Whoaw, Addison. I've never seen whisking that fast. Not even from an electric whisker!

Addison: Well, thanks, I'm not even on full speed! (goes even faster)

Cody (walks over): Oh, no, no, no, Addison. (takes control of the whisk) Light touch.

Addison: Oh, oh. That feels right. Mmmm...I'm speechless.

Bailey: That's a first.

Reina: Oh, me, me, me. My turn. (Cody puts the wooden spoon on her tongue) Mmmm...my tastebuds are dancing. They're doing the "miring-ay".

Cody: Oh, very good. (walks off)

Bailey (perturbed): UM!! Aren't we supposed to be whisking?

Cody: Oh, that's right...(looks at roll)...Miss Pickett.
Bailey, who is now back at her bench with Woody, gives an open-mouthed gasp at the lack of respect Cody seems to be showing her.


Zack is sitting on his bed, finishing up a piece of artwork.

Zack (as he paints): Zachary...Martin...

London bursts in with a jolt, which causes Zack to spread his paintbrush up over the work.

London: Zack!

Zack: My painting!

London: Zack, I have a problem.

Zack: If this is about your polo-pony needing plastic surgery, I already told you, his face is supposed to look horsy!

London: No, this is about that art class. Turns out, you need to hand in a painting, or you fail! So I need yours. (grabs his fruit-bowl painting)

Zack (snatches it back): Hey, hey, hey, no way, I worked really hard on this!

London: Hmmm...(takes the canvas that Zack sneezed on earlier)...oh, oh, how about this one? I'll give you twenty bucks for it.

Zack: That's the canvas you ruined by making me sneeze pudding.

London: Hey, you see trash, I see D minus! (hands him the money and goes for the door)

Zack: This is awesome!

London: It's just twenty dollars.

Zack: Hey, you see twenty dollars, I see an eight-foot churro!

London gives him a confused glare.


London is walking across the sky deck, holding the painting from Zack. She passes an elder woman.

Mrs Mc Cracken: London.

London: Oh, Mrs McCracken!

They air kiss each other.

London: I haven't seen you since that benefit to buy fur coats for hairless Chihuahua's.

Mrs McCracken: Yes, such a worthy cause.

London: Although they had the jackets on them, they still shook.

Mrs McCracken (points at the canvas): Hmm, what's this?

London: Oh, just a painting I bought.

Mrs McCracken: Oh...(takes the painting from London)...Whoaw...daring...I love the way it explodes on the canvas. It evokes the enigmatic glory of the human condition. Who painted this?

London (tuts): Oh, he's no one.

Mrs McCracken: Oh, an unknown genius. How much did you pay?

London: Twenty.

Mrs McCracken: Twenty thousand? I'll give you thirty thousand.

London: Thirty thousand?

Mrs McCracken: Oh, come on now, a ten thousand dollar profit is nothing to sneeze at.

London (mumbles at first): In this case it is...sold!

Mrs McCracken: And, I'll buy any more you can get.

London's eyes widen, as she walks away. Mrs McCracken goes in the opposite direction. Cody walks over to the juice bar and sits beside Bailey.

Cody: Hey, Bailey.

Bailey: Don't you mean, Miss Picket?

Cody: That's only during school hours. After that you're my little Hay Bail. (Bailey gives a flattered laugh. Addison runs over with a glass bowl)

Addison: Cody! I think I over spiced my gazpacho. I added salt, pepper, garlic, cayenne, cumerine, tumeric, shallots, umantro and a dash of teragon.

Cody: Very experimental, but let's try it.

Cody takes a spoonful and starts choking.

Addison: I also may have blended in my retainer.

Cody: More cilantro, less metal.

Addison: You, are so brilliant. (runs off)

Bailey: Argh, now. Where were we?

Cody: We were...

Reina runs over with her bowl.

Reina: Cody, can you taste my gazpucho?

Bailey: Actually, we were trying to...

Cody (cuts off Bailey): Sure. (Reina spoons some into his mouth) Hmmm...delicious. Someone's been paying attention in class.

Reina: How can I not? Seconds?

Reina goes to spoon some more into Cody's mouth, but Bailey steps in the way and takes the mouthful.

Bailey: Oh, great. Cold tomato soup. Bye! (pushes Reina away)

Cody: Bailey, what's wrong?

Bailey: Nothing, let's just enjoy being alone. Just, you, and me...

A crowd of girls from the class run over to Cody's side with their dishes, making tiny exclamations at him. They push Bailey out of the way.

Bailey (annoyed): And Reina, and Addison, and...(points at one girl)...hey, you're not even in our class!


In London and Bailey's dorm, London is eagerly holding up a canvas to Zack, who has a gravy pot.

Zack: So, you really want another painting?

London: Oh, what can I say? I have a weakness for the finer things. Now hort that gravy out of your schnozz!

Zack takes a mouthful of the gravy, runs over to a feather neck brace and inhales. He sneezes on the canvas.

London (runs back over): Oh, exquisite, exquisite. (hands him cash) Here's another twenty.

Zack: Cool! I've made forty bucks this week, that's a lot of money!

London (fake laugh): It sure is, see ya'! (ushers Zack out the door as Bailey walks in and slams the door)

Bailey: I am madder than a chicken with a clogged cloacae. (pause) All the girls' just can't keep their hands off Cody!

London: Cody who?

Bailey: My Cody! Every time I turn around some girl is shoving a gazpucho in his face.

London (teasingly): Oohh, you're jealous.

Bailey: I am not!

London: Well, whatever you do, don't tell Cody. Never let a boyfriend know you're jealous.

Bailey: I'm telling you, I am NOT jealous!

London: Oh, very convincing.
Bailey: Seriously, I'm not jealous!

London: Whoaw, you could be an actress! I mean, if you were pretty. (walks out)


In the home economics kitchen, Bailey walks in to find all the girls are brushing up on their make ups, awaiting the arrival of Cody.

Bailey: Woody, what's going on?

Woody: I don't know...but I feel the strange desire to powder my nose.

Reina: Here comes sir chef!

Reina runs to her seat, and Bailey gives her a nasty glare.

Cody: Hello, class.

GIRLS (except Bailey): Hello, Mr Martin.

Woody (out of sync with the rest): ...Mr Martin...

Cody: OK, girls...and Woody. Today we're going to need chabarda dough.

Girls (except Bailey): Ooohhh...

Cody: Now, the key is not work from the wrist, but from the upper arm. (demonstrates on the front bench)

Girls (except Bailey): Ooohhh...

Woody walks over to Addison holding some cooking ingredients.

Woody: Hey Addison. I bought you some flowers. Bleached and wholegrain. Get it?

Cody: Woody, is my teaching getting in the way of your talking?

Woody: Sorry, Mr Martin...(goes back to his bench)

Cody: Now, if you're doing it right, you should feel it in the tri-cep.

All the girls and Woody run to the front to feel Cody's muscle.

Reina: Whoaw...

Woody: ...impressive...

Cody: Woody!

Woody: Sorry, Mr Martin...

Bailey: Um, um...aren't we supposed to be getting our assignments back today?

Cody: Well, considering I ate them, I don't think you'd like that. So, instead, I frosted your grades onto these cookies.

He grabs a basket of cookies and starts distributing them.

Cody: Woody...Reina...Addison...

Reina: I got an A!

Addison: Me too!

Bailey: A C plus? (walks over to the bench) Woody, what did you get?

Woody (through a mouthful of food): Guess I forgot to look.

Bailey (as the girls go back to their benches): Um, excuse me, Mr Martin, argh...you didn't like my gazpucho?

Cody: It was...traditional...but Addison made hers extra chunky. And Reina added mint. Sometimes a guy just wants to try something new.

Reina walks over to Bailey's bench and waves her wooden spoon in her face.

Reina (teasingly): Yeah. Sometimes the same old, same old can get so boring.

Bailey takes the wooden spoon from Reina and snaps it in half.

Reina (gasps): Mr Martin! Bailey broke my spoon.

Cody: Miss Picket! Abusing kitchen utensils is an automatic demerit. I'm afraid I'm going to have to lower your grade to a C.

Cody puts his hand out for the cookie, and Bailey hands it to him. He takes a bite from the edge (which is obviously the +), and walks off smartly.


Cody walks down and joins Bailey at the sky deck.

Cody: Hey, Bailey. They're showing Casablanca in the theatre. Wanna' go?

Bailey: Aren't you busy with your students?

Cody: Well, actually, they're the ones who arranged it. I like too break down the teacher student barrier, connect with the kids.

Bailey: You can connect without me. (turns away)

Cody: Oh, I know what's going on here. You're mad because I gave you a C. L...look if you want, I can take another look at your grade.

Bailey: OK, first of all, you can't, because Woody ate my grade. And second, I'm not mad about the C. If you don't understand what's going on here, that just shows how incredibly insensitive and clueless you are!

Cody: So...I'm guessing you don't want to go to the movie?

Bailey leans in on him angrily, and he runs off. She turns to the towel counter as Woody runs over.

Woody: What's wrong, Bailey?

Bailey: I'm loosing my guy.

Woody: Tell me about it. I'm loosing my gal! She's at Casablanca with Mr Martin.

Bailey: It's not Cody's fault he's so irresistible…(turning back to Woody)...oh, why don't you tell Lancky-Mac-Stanky and her friends to settle down?

Woody (gasp): You might talk like that on the farm, but we do not speak about ladies that way in Cleveland!

Bailey: You're right, Woody. We should be working together, not fighting. Wait a minute, I bet we could solve this home ec problem by cooking something up ourselves...

Woody (gasp): Like lamb chops? I love lamb chops!

Bailey: I'm talking about making Cody jealous.

Woody: Because we have lamb chops and he doesn't!

Bailey shakes her head and walks away, Woody following. Mrs McCracken is walking along with the painting from London, and Zack approaches her.

Zack: Argh, excuse me ma'am, where did you get that?

Mrs McCracken: Oh, it's wonderful isn't it. It's called "Inner Peace"...

Zack: Argh, no, it's called Inner Peas.

Mrs McCracken: Oh, you're familiar with the artist?

Zack: Oh, quite familiar. We're about as close as two people can get.

Mrs McCracken: It's rumoured that he's a tortured, French genius. (with a French accent on Zack's name) Zachary Martin is going to be the next big thing, I'm buying as much as I can.

Zack (circling her): Whoaw, whoaw, whoaw, whoaw. You bought that? May I ask how much you paid?

Mrs McCracken: Oh, I got it for a steal, I only paid thirty. Oh, Flora...(walks off)

Zack (flared): THIRTY DOLLARS?

He storms off…


Zack is knocking on London's door.

Zack (shouting): London, you open this door immediately!

London has been walking over from behind.

London: Okey-dokey.

London opens the door and steps in, closing it on Zack's face. He knocks on the door again.

Zack (V/O from outside): London, you open this door immediately! ...again!!

London (opening door): Oh. Hi Zack!! (waves)

Zack steps in, making flared inhales.

London: Wait. Why aren't you working on your latest master-sneeze?

Zack: I know your secret!

London: OK, so I had my ears done. But this is what they looked like before! (shows him a photo)

Zack: Not that! (looks at photo) ...whoaw. (pause) No, I'm talking about you selling my paintings for a profit!

London: Well did you think I'd sell them for a loss?

Zack: But you haven't been sharing with me!

London: You got your twenty dollars!

Zack: But what about the rest?

London: I have expenses.

Zack: Like what?

London: Frames...and hooks...outfits to wear when I buy frames and hooks! You know, thirty thousand dollars doesn't go as far as it used too.

Zack gives a squeal after hearing the digits of money that London has just spoken to him.

Zack (struggles to get the words out): Thirty...thousand...dollars?

London: I know it's not that much, but you're just starting out.

Zack: Well, yeah, it's not that much to you, but that's more than I'll make in my entire life!

London (covers her mouth): Oohh...that's sad.

Zack: Well you know what's sad? Is that you're my friend and you're exploiting me!

London (laughs): Oh, no I'm not!

London shoves some food into Zack's mouth, blows on him and goes to get a canvas. As he tries to hold in the sneeze, London holds up the canvas...and as he does end up sneezing on it, London overlooks it.

London: Oh, beautiful. Let me get your twenty bucks.

Zack: No, no! (steals the canvas) If you want an original, you can pay market price. (French accent on his name) Zachary Martin is going into the business for himself!

Pointing at her, he runs out and closes the door behind him.

London (to herself): I hope it's not as a dialogue coach, because that accent (sarcastic)...whoaw.


In the home economics kitchen, Cody is at the demonstration bench.

Cody: Today we will be exploring the glory of the potato. Or as the French call it, the apple of the earth.

Bailey (showing off): Woody, could you help me with my potato, you big, handsome man?

Woody: Sure…(under his breath)...but aren't we supposed to be starting the plan?

Bailey: This is the plan! (showing off) Could you maybe help me mash some potatoes, you're so STRONG and CUT.

Bailey feels across Woody's arm and he flinches back.

Woody (laughs): It tickles! Oh, I mean...(showing off)...I would be happy to help out a gorgeous female person such as yourself.

Woody steps up and goes to mash Bailey's raw potato on the bench.

Woody (with struggle) ...almost got it...(potato drops on ground)...

Bailey: You might want to use the cooked ones!

Woody: Oh...(takes one from the pot)...hot, hot, hot, hot!

He has been running with the 'hot' potato and runs into a cabinet, falling flat on the ground.

Cody: Woody, are you OK?

Woody (V/O from ground): Yeah...my hair took most of the blow...

As Cody goes to the front, Woody goes and stands by Bailey.

Bailey: OK, this plan, is not working out. We need to do something that doesn't require any skill or manly abilities.

Woody: Oh, I have manly abilities. Check this.

Woody takes Bailey and leans her down on the ground.

Cody: Bailey! What are you doing?

Reina: Clearly, she's interested in another guy. Lucky you, because you get me!

Reina walks over and leans Cody down like Woody did Bailey, only kissing him this time...

Bailey: Oohh, that's it, Miss Guzpucho, you're going down!

Bailey pokes her on the behind with a kitchen tool.

Bailey (turns to the rest of the class): Yeah, uh-huh, that's what happens.

Reina spanks Bailey on the behind as she turns with her wooden spoon.

Bailey: Oh!

The two of them grab the appropriate equipment and fight in a dual.

Cody: Help! Help! There's a fight, someone get a teacher! What are you doing?

Woody (whispering): You are the teacher!

Cody: Oh, yeah. Rats!! (runs in between Bailey and Reina) Ladies, ladies, put those utensils down! You'll damage the non-stick coating! Ladies!!

Despite Cody's cries of complaints, the two chase each other with their utensils up to the front. Bailey throws some lettuce at Reina.

Bailey: How dare you kiss my boyfriend!

Reina: What do you care? You're into Woody now!

Bailey: Woody? Oh, please! I wouldn't date him even if he was the last guy on the planet.

Woody: Hey!

Bailey: Oh, Woody, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that...(some lettuce is thrown at Bailey from behind) Oh, that's it!!!

Reina gets a hand-beater and starts aiming for Bailey's hair.

Bailey: Aargh, not the hair, not the hair, not the hair! (backing away)

Cody (steps in between): Can we settle this...

They push Cody out of the way. Reina goes to a front bench and Bailey goes to a back bench. They start throwing potatoes at each other. Somewhere along the way, Addison gets in the middle of it all.

Woody: I'll protect you, Addison!

Woody jumps in front of Addison and takes a potato serving for her. He falls to the ground, Addison runs to his side.

Addison: Woody!

Woody: Oh, I'm just glad I could take a roll for you.

Addison (oven timer beeps): Oh! My soufflé is done! (drops Woody and runs off)


Zack is dressed up as a French artist, and is urging the audience of his auction to hush. He is holding a piece of bread, and has a canvas with one of his sneeze paintings on display.
Zack (with a French accent until indicated otherwise): This is your prime opportunity to buy an original Zachary Martin from the artist himself. (London has walked in by now) That would be m'wa.

London (sits next to Mrs McCracken): What is going on here?

Mrs McCracken: Oh, as if you didn't know. Zachary Martin is auctioning off his latest works.

Zack: Aargh, this is the first piece up for bid. I call it, portrait of a fat lazy American. (chuckle) We will start the bidding at a mere...hmmm...thirty thousand dollars.

Mrs McCracken (to London): Don't think you're going to outbid me.

London: Actually, I'm not buying any more (with French accent) Zachary Martin.

Mrs McCracken: You aren't?

Zack: OK, OK. You know times, they are tough. Why do we not say, twenty thousand. (some of the audience get up and leave) Do I not hear a ten? 'Cause all I hear is the sound of people leaving!

Mrs McCracken (to London): You know, I can see why you're disillusioned. When I first saw his work, it spoke to my soul, in the hushed, breathy tones of a weeping angels. (London is confused) ...and now, it just looks like...

London (cutting her off): Someone sneezed grape jelly on canvas?

Mrs McCracken: Bingo!

Mrs McCracken is the last of the audience to walk off, leaving only London.

Zack (calling after her; resumes normal accent): Um, how about a hundred? Fifty?

London: I'll give you twenty bucks for it. I still need something to hand in for class.

Zack: But I don't understand. Yesterday people were willing to spend thirty thousand dollars on my art.

London: Look, I told you, you needed me. People only wanted your stuff because I wanted it.

Zack: London, you talk advantage of me for thousands and thousands of dollars!

London: Hey, times are tough! Daddy cut my allowance down to three gold bars a week.

Zack: I can't even afford three chocolate bars a week! You could have shared the profits evenly.

London (pause): You're right, I'll give you your half. I spent the money on this outfit so what days do you want to wear it?

Zack: London!

London: OK, I'm sorry. Look, it's just hard to get away from what you're taught growing up. When I was a little girl, my daddy always used to say, (yells), money is more important than friendship!
Zack: That's awful, why did he yell?

London: Oh, he didn't. Everything just sounded really loud because I had those big ears.


Bailey and Cody are cleaning up after the food fight in the home economics kitchen. Bailey is on the floor, and Cody is standing.

Cody: Bailey, what's going on with you? You're acting up in class, you're fighting, you're horribly misusing kitchen utensils.

Bailey: Well excuse me if I'm upset because all the girls in class are falling all over you.

Cody: What?

Bailey: I see the way they flirt with you. And you don't do anything to stop them. (stands)

Cody: Well, really? They're flirting with me?

Bailey: Yes! It's disgusting.

Cody (tuts): ...yeah...(pause; paces; turns back to Bailey)...all of them?

Bailey: How could you not notice?

Cody: 'Cause you're the only girl I notice.

Bailey: Oh. (hugs Cody) Then how come you treated me so coldly in class?

Cody: Well, I'm the teacher. I can't show favouritism, especially to my favourite girl.

Bailey gives a flattered laugh again. They walk to the front of the room.

Cody: From now on, if you're upset, just tell me.

Bailey: Y...you're right.

Zack runs in from the back entrance.

Zack: I heard there was a food fight! Sick! (peers around) Oh, man...I missed it?

Bailey and Cody start throwing potatoes at him.

Cody: Here.

Zack is forced up to the back of the room. He catches something that Bailey throws at him.

Zack: Oh, ciabatta!

Zack runs out, as Bailey and Cody share another hug.

The Suite Life on Deck, © Walt Disney. No infringement is intended through the transcription of this episode originally written by Dany Signer and Jeny Quine.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2x01 - The Spy Who Shoved Me

At night – out on the sky deck. Zack is behind the counter at the smoothie bar, and Cody walks over with some towels.

Cody: Whoaw, slow night. Are you as bored as I am?

Zack: I was as bored as you. Then you showed up and I'm even more bored!

Cody: The most fun I've had all night was cleaning up the lint trap in the laundry room.

Zack: Whoaw! Next time can I watch?

Zack and Cody turns as they see a harness clamps onto a table on the landing adjacent to the staircase, a man takes off his swimsuit to reveal a formal tux. As a figure in black approaches, a violent fight between him and the man in the tux ensues. The fight takes them down the stairwell – Zack and Cody crouch underneath the counter watching with endorsement. Eventually the man in the tux throws the man in black overboard, and throws a life circle overboard after the splash.

James Smith: Europe is to the left!

Zack: …things just got slightly less boring…


Zack and Cody come out from beneath the counter.

Zack: That was awesome!

Cody: We have to go tell Mr Moseby.

Zack: Are you kidding? He didn't even believe me when I told him the men's room was out of soap.

Cody: Maybe because you never use soap, now let's get out of here!

As they turn away, they are stopped by the confrontation of the spy.

James Smith: Gentleman. I'm afraid I can't let you go after what you've just seen.

Zack: I didn't see a thing…I was tying my shoe!

Cody: I was helping him…no, really, the loops confuse him.

Zack: So, we won't say a thing, but just between us…are you a spy?

James Smith: Yes. I work for the NSA. My name is Smith. James Smith. But you can call Smitty, or J-Dogg.

Cody: OK, J-Dogg. Well clearly you have a license to kill, or at least a learner's permit, so we'll just be on our way. Cheerio!

James Smith (holds up pen): Hold it!

Zack: Argh, laser pen!

The two of them madly hide behind each other in fright.

James Smith: No, it's just a pen. I need you both to sign this…(takes out paper)…confidentially agreement.

Zack: Oeky-doke.

Zack quickly takes the paper and signs it. Cody paces, reading through it.

Cody: Mm-hm…argh, wait. Right here it says in the event of a dispute, an arbiter shall be chosen by a third party, it is…

James Smith: This may just be a regular pen, but I can still jab you with it.

Cody (quickly signs paper): …Cody Martin…

He hands the paper back to James Smith, who then takes a sip from the cup on the counter.

Zack: Argh, Mr Smith…that prune wiz went bad weeks ago!

Cody: Oh, don't worry. I'm sure it's part of his spy training to become impervious to any potentially poisonous substance.

James Smith: True. Unfortunately, I was absent that day…I was…bathroom!

He runs off towards the bathroom, covering his mouth.

Cody (calling): That's the ladies restroom!

James Smith: Don't care!


Zack and Cody run up to the reception desk, where Mr Moseby is standing behind the counter.

Cody: Mr Moseby, there's a spy on the ship!

Zack: And he got rid of another spy by tossing him overboard!

Cody: But don't tell him we told you because we signed our names to a confidentiality agreement.

Zack: Actually, I signed Mr Moseby's name.

Cody: Oh, good thinking.

Moseby: A spy, huh? Is this like the time you were being chased by a leprechaun?

Zack: You've 'gotta admit, that guy was short.

Cody: And green.

Moseby: He was a seasick little person!

Zack: How do you explain the pot of gold?

Moseby: He was delivering London's allowance!

Cody: OK, but…

Moseby makes childish noises to get them to be quiet.

Moseby: Just go away. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a real problem to deal with on the lido deck. Someone spotted a unicorn! (snorts exclaim)

As Moseby walks away, Zack sighs and his mobile goes off. He looks up at the text message.

Zack: It's from Agent Smith! He's in my cabin and he wants to talk to us.

Cody: How do you know it's really from a spy?

Zack: 'Cause it says this message will self-destruct in five seconds. (rapid beeping from phone)

Cody: That's ridiculous. There's no way he could make a text message explo…

As he is about to finish, smoke steams up from the phone.


Zack and Cody walk into the cabin hallways.

Cody: I still don't think we should go meet this guy.

Zack: Oh, come on, there's nothing to be scared of.

Zack and Cody both give a startled shriek as they bump into London and Bailey.

London (to Bailey): I told you that outfit was ugly.

Bailey: Hey guys, what's going on?

Cody (anxiously): Nothing.

London: He's lying.

Bailey: W…Why would you say that?

London: When he lies, his nose crinkles. Watch – Cody, how tall are you?

Cody (nose crinkles): Five foot eleven.

London: I rest my case.

Zack: OK, it's settled. Cody's a short liar, let's go!! (goes to take Cody)

Bailey: Cody! I can't believe this. We're in a committed relationship and you're keeping secrets from me?

London: You should so break up with him.

Zack: Put it in an email. We gotta go!
Zack goes to run.

Cody: Bailey, you and I have no secrets. I'm an open book, I'll tell you anything you want to know.

Bailey: So, what are you doing?

Cody: Going to Zack's room for a top-secret meeting with an international spy.

Zack flares his frustration through hand mimes.

Bailey: Fine, don't tell me! (walks off)

Cody (calling after her): But my nose didn't even crinkle!

London: She is so 'gonna break up with you. Hmm…

London follows after Bailey, and Zack drags Cody down the corridor.


Cody, followed by Zack, enter Zack's cabin.

Cody: Good, he's not here – see you later.

Cody turns to exit, but grunting and groaning from the bathroom prevents this from happening.

Zack: Sounds like he's roughing somebody up!

Cody: Probably someone who broke their confidentiality agreement!

James Smith comes out of the bathroom in a sickly state. Zack and Cody cover their noses.

Zack: Whoaw, what are you doing in there, raising ponies?

James Smith: I have survived killer agents, ninja assassins, and even a penguin with a machine gun. And you two boys bought me to my knees with one bad Prune Wiz.

James starts spraying some air freshener around the room.

Zack (flinches on Cody): Aargh! Don't spray me with your super-spy poison spray!

James Smith: It's air freshener.

Cody: Well...t...still, stop! The (???) are bad for the environment.

James Smith: What I released in there is worse for the environment.

Zack: He's got a point.

James Smith (sits on bed): Look, I can't get more than five feet away from this toilet. Oh, and by the way, you have an excellent selection of comic books.

Zack: Thanks. Reading is my passion.

James Smith: Anyway, I need you to go to the party in the piano lounge tonight and rendezvous with my contact, Red Finger.

Mysterious spy music sounds for effect.

Zack (sits down beside James Smith): Oh, cool code name. Was she a former soviet spy?

James Smith: No, she jammed her finger in a door, it turned bright red and stayed that way. I need you to get a microchip from her.

Zack: What's on the microchip?

James Smith: None of your beeswax! (Zack and Cody share a glare) Suffice to say, it could save mankind.

Zack (excited gasp): We're on it! (stands) We're great at being sneaky.

Cody: I'm not, and I'm not doing it. (turns to exit)

James Smith: You'll do it or I'll...I'll tell you what I'll do when I get back. (turns back to the bathroom)

Zack (sits Cody down a chair): Cody, this is the opportunity of a lifetime.

Cody: To do what, die?

Zack: No, to have an adventure! Look, all your life you've played it safe. You didn't take the training wheels off your bike until you were 13, and even when you did you only took one off, you could only turn right! You wore your retainer for three years after the orthodontist said you could stop. You still take baths because you're afraid you'll slip in the shower. (shakes Cody) Live, Cody, live!

Cody (stands up): You know what, you're right. Tonight, I shower. But I'm not becoming a spy. (turns to leave)

Zack: You'll be Bailey's hero.

Cody (turns back triumphantly): I'm in!

James Smith comes out of the bathroom.

Zack: He's in.

James Smith: Good. OK (takes satchel of paper from his pocket), when you approach Red Finger, you must say this exactly.

Cody: "What crew threw the true blue goo that flew into my shoe?"

James Smith: Memorize those words and then eat the paper.

Cody: Yeah, I'd rather not...


In the piano lounge, Moseby is telling a joke to a group of high-classed people sitting at a table.

Moseby: Nougat!

Zack and Cody, dressed in suits, enter the lounge.

Cody: Remember, we're looking for a woman with a red finger.

They both look around. Zack sees an elderly woman by the piano with a glove on. He reaches over to take off the glove, but the woman slaps him, causing a reflex for Zack to turn and slap Cody, who in turn turns to slap Mr Moseby, who looks at them with a snarl.

Moseby: What are you doing here? I do not remember hiring you to work this party.

Zack (waves a hand): Yes, you did.

Moseby (waves a hand): No, I didn't.

Cody (to Zack): We're spies, not Jedi! (to Moseby; gasps) That busboy just shoved some shrimp into his pocket!

Moseby: I saw that, Francois! (walks off)

Cody: I don't see Red Finger!

Zack: We have to get these women to show us their hands.
They look over and see that London is by the piano, trying to make the pianist laugh.

London: Nougat! (laughs)

Cody: I have an idea. (walks over to London) London?

London: Mm-hm?

Cody: We need your help.

London (laughs): I don't help people.

Zack (waves a hand): London, you will help us.

London (robotically): I will help you.

Zack looks back at Cody with a smile.


London is sitting a table dressed like a fortune teller. Zack and Cody are standing at her side, as a woman from the party comes and sits down. In the middle of the table, London takes the flowers from the container of water and then moves it to the side.

London (with an accent): I am Madama Tiptonia, the fortune teller. (now with a normal voice) And let me tell you, I'm worth a fortune.

Zack: Now, take off your gloves so that she can "read your palms".

The fortune seeker takes off her gloves, to reveal she has no signs of a red finger. London screams when she sees the woman's palm.

Woman #1: What do you see?

London: Skin like a crocodile. I see a lot of moisturizer in your future.

Cody: Not her.

Zack tips the woman off the chair, and goes over to another woman standing by the piano, forcing her onto the chair.

Zack: Hey, want your fortune read? (spins her over to the table) Alright, here. (tears off the woman's gloves) Just trying to speed up the process.

Cody: It's not Red Finger, move on.

Zack pushes the woman on the chair forward slightly.

Zack: She sees a "journey" in your future.

Zack pushes the chair away, and we hear a clashing and banging.

London: Wow. I am good.

Zack: We're never going to find her!

A woman with a "red finger" puts their palm down on the table in front of London.

Red Finger: I'd like my palm read!

Mysterious spy music sounds again for effect.

London: Oh, good, then it'll match your finger!

Zack: It's her! (he and Cody approach the woman) Excuse me miss, can we talk to you for a second?

Red Finger: No.

Cody: Say the code, where's the code? (Bailey walks in and sees them)

Zack: Don't...

Bailey: There you are! You said you had to write a paper for school, and instead you're here, partying?

Cody: I'm not partying. I'm on a top secret mission that could save the world.

Bailey: I haven't heard a lie that big since Zeke Miller said his pig was a piano virtuoso. I mean, he was OK, but I wouldn't call him a virtuoso.

Zack: Hello, Red Finger's leaving!

Zack drags Cody out after Red Finger. London approaches Bailey.

London (speaks in an accent): Oh! Let me tell you your fortune. (screams, as she looks at Bailey's palm)

Bailey: What?

London: Your lifeline!

Bailey: What, is it short?

London: No, long. I was hoping to get my own room.

London walks off.


Zack and Cody walk out onto the sky deck, and they see Red Finger leaning over the railing overlooking the ocean. They walk over, and Cody taps her on the back, taking out the secret code from James Smith.

Cody: Um...what crew threw the true blue goo that flew in the kangaroo poo...?

Zack: I think it's kazoo.

Red Finger: I think I'm leaving (turns to walk off).

Zack: Look, it's been a long day, this tux is itchy, I had to hire a fortune teller, and they're all out of those miniature hot dogs. Are you the babe with the microchip or not?

Red Finger: Sshh! Fine, I'm Red Finger. I just wasn't expecting my contact to be so...

Cody: Handsome? Dashing?

Red Finger: Awkward, and pimply.

Zack and Cody look at each other's foreheads in regards to Red Finger's comment on their breakout.

Cody: Well, you're one to talk, about skin problems, Mrs Red Finger!

Zack: Do you have the microchip or not?

Red Finger: Here...

Red Finger takes an earring off and holds it up to Zack, waving her red finger in his face.

Cody: Don't touch it...

Zack: She almost touched my nose with it.

Zack takes the microchip swiftly and runs off with Cody.


Zack and Cody run into Zack's dorm.

Cody: Hello? Mr Smith?

Zack: J-Dogg?

James Smith (V/O from bathroom): Just a second!

James comes out of the bathroom.

Zack: Oh, OK, the spray's not working, crack open a porthole!

Cody: We've got something that will make you feel better. We secured the microchip.

James Smith: Aargh, excellent.
James sits down, and takes off his shoe to reveal some secret holes underneath.

Zack: Wow, you have secret compartments in your shoes?

James Smith: Just this one. (takes the other shoe) This other one is a hair-dryer.

He opens the hole on the other shoe and a mechanical wind blows at Zack and Cody.

James Smith: Now, I need you to do one more thing.

Zack (excited): Rendezvous with a submarine?

Cody (excited): Infiltrate a Swiss bank?

James Smith: Get me some more toilet paper! (runs off) I'll be in the little spy's room!

Cody: You know Zack, this really was exhilarating. I'm glad I let you talk me into it.

Suddenly, the door is opened and a henchman of Red Finger's comes in and takes Zack away. Cody tries to close the door, but another henchman comes in and steals Cody.

Cody: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!


Zack and Cody are being tied up, back to back on seats, in Bailey and London's dorm.

Cody: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Zack: Excuse me sir, could you tie his mouth shut please?

Cody (as the henchman exits): Aargh, I really hate you.

Zack: We 'gotta get outta' here!

They spin around on their chairs.

Zack: OK, this isn't working. Wait, I think I can reach your phone from your back pocket. (reaches around) Oh, oh, I got it ... here. (foots it to Cody) Call Bailey.

Cody: Oh, I'm out of minutes! I'll just have to send her a text.

Zack: Good idea. (Cody takes off his shoes and starts footing the phone) How's it coming?

Cody: Oh, OK, I think. I want Bailey to know that it's natural for relationships to suffer its up and downs. In nature, they're going to...

Zack: Just type HELP!


London and Bailey are sitting down at the juice bar on the sky deck.

Bailey: You know, I still can't believe Cody isn't telling me the truth. I mean, the single most important thing in a relationship is trust.

London (inhales): Oh, you should so break up with him.

Bailey (phone rings): That's Cody texting me now. This better be an apology. (reads text message) Dear Booley...(reads scrambled letters)

London: What is that, Swedish?

Bailey: No, it's gibberish.

London: Oh, I've never been to gibber! Is it nice?

Bailey: Yes, the clouds are made of cotton candy and the plants are made of bubble gum!

London (gasps): Can the boat stop there?

Bailey: Yours will.

London runs after Bailey.


Back in the dorm, Zack and Cody are still arguing as the door knob starts to rattle.

Cody: Someone's coming!

Zack: Oh, maybe it's Bailey!

Red Finger steps in, spy music plays again.

Cody: It's Red Finger!

Zack: Oh, thank goodness, we were grabbed by a couple of goons?

The henchmen enter beside Red Finger.

Henchman #1: Goons?

Cody: Oh, you are aware that we kids have appropriated the term 'goon' and turned it into a positive, like "what's up, my goon", or "that car's totally gooned out".
Red Finger: Shut up.

Cody: Yes, ma'am.

Red Finger: When I spoke to head quarters, they said that my contact was fished out of the sea by a Russian trawler.

Zack: Oh, maybe that was the guy Smith threw overboard!

Cody: Oh, you think?

Red Finger (seemingly flared): Smith? You're working for Smith?

Cody: Well, I wouldn't say working for, really...more like, an unpaid internship type thing.

Red Finger: Smith is the bad guy!

Zack: How do we know you're not the bad guy? After all, you do have a couple of goo...d looking guys working for you.

Red Finger: Smith stole the microchip from us! (presents ID)

Cody: The CIA?

Zack: Yep, that's her alright. Finger comma red. Man, I'm so confused. Smith seemed like such a good guy!

Red Finger: Well, he's not. He's a liar, liar, pants on fire.

Zack: Man, not J-Dogg. Well, he's in my cabin right now blowing chunks in the toilet.

The henchmen go off.

Cody: How could you just give Smith up like that? Anyone can fake an ID, you've done it enough times.

Zack: There's just something about her that makes me believe her.

Cody: Oh, please. You just think she's gorgeous.

Red Finger: Oh, really? Because I don't like my nose, and I've got this whole Red Finger...

Henchman #2 comes running in.

Henchman #2: Smith is gone, but he was definitely in there.

Red Finger: You have got to get the microchip back from Smith. The fate of the world depends on it!

She chops the ropes apart with her red finger.

Zack (standing): You, can count on us.

Cody: Well, me anyway.

Red Finger (following them out): Now, go!


The following morning, Zack and Cody, now changed, come down the sky deck stairs.

Cody: I can't believe we searched all night for Mr Smith and we couldn't find him.

Zack: Maybe he went "overboard".

Cody: Maybe he's in disguise.

Zack: Maybe he's in the hot tub! (points at the hot tub; Smith is sitting on the side)

Cody: Quick, find his shoes!

Smith takes his feet out of the water to reveal his soaked shoes.

Zack: Found 'em.

Cody: That is so bad for the leather, and j...just don't even get me started on the brown socks.

Zack (stops London as she walks by): London, we need your help! We need to get that guy's shoes off. So, we need you to read his feet.

London: Oh, great. First hands, now feet? This is more reading than I've done all year! (wraps some decoration across her forehead)

London approaches Smith, who is now sat at the juice bar.

London (with accent): Greetings, weary traveller! I am here to tell you your destiny. But first, I must read your feet. (crouches down)

James Smith: You could read my palms.

London: No, I'm in training – I'm starting at the bottom! (chucks his shoes behind to Zack and Cody)

Cody: I got the microchip! (opens the compartment to reveal it is the hair dryer)

London throws back the other shoe, Zack catches it and opens the compartment, grabbing out the microchip.

Zack: Got it!

James Smith (runs over): Hey! Hey, stop!

As Zack and Cody run away, London stays clinging to Smith's leg.

James Smith: Hey, hey, unhand me! Get back here! (escapes London's hold)


Zack and Cody run and hide in the dormitory hallway, as Smith runs past. Cody runs over to Bailey.

Cody: Bailey!

Bailey: I'm not talking to you.

Cody: OK, you don't have to talk to me, just hide this microchip!

Bailey: W...what are these marks?

Cody: Rope burns. I was tied up by the bad guy, with rope that had harsh cotton fibres.

Bailey: You mean that stupid spy story was real?

Cody: Yes! That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Bailey: Cody, I am so sorry for not trusting you. (hugs Cody)

Cody: It's OK, Bailey. Take this microchip back to your cabin and hide it. And for your own safety, promise me you won't look.

Bailey: I promise. And Cody...

Cody: Yeah?

Bailey: You're my hero.

Bailey leans in to kiss Cody, but Zack whips him away quickly.

Zack: Nope!

As Cody is dragged away, Bailey looks down at the microchip curiously.


Mr Moseby is sitting by the juice bar talking to a visitor.

Moseby: This ship is a boat-load of fun. You can play shuffle board, ping-pong...(Zack and Cody are being chased by Smith)...and tag!

Zack: Miss Finger! We got the microchip from Smith!

Zack and Cody run over to Red Finger and the "goons".

Cody: What up, goonizals?

James Smith: Noo! (the henchmen stand in his way) Oh, hello. Nice matching outfits.

Red Finger: Get him.

James Smith: Oh, no, gentleman, please. No violence, really.

James Smith tackles one of the henchmen to the ground violently, much to the shock of the watching crowd. The remaining henchman runs off, scared.

Red Finger: It's so good to find good goons these days.

Moseby: That explains all the broken tables.

James Smith: Now, that microchip belongs to me.

Red Finger: He's lying!

James Smith: She's lying!

Red Finger: If the liar says I'm lying, then I'm not lying.

James Smith: Unless you're a liar.

Red Finger: I know you are, but what am I?

James Smith: Liar says what.

Red Finger: What?

James Smith and Zack share a "secret" hand-shake, laughing at Red Finger's mistake.

James Smith: I win!

Moseby: Oh, wait, so you two really are spies? I can't believe you two were actually telling the truth.

Zack: Bound to happen some time.

Cody: Well, neither of you are going to get that microchip, because it's some place safe where you'll never find it.

Bailey steps in the middle of it all, in her hands she has the microchip.

Bailey: Hey guys, about this whole top-secret microchip thing...

Red Finger (snatching the microchip): That's mine!

James Smith (steals it): No, it's mine!
Moseby (stealing it): It's mine! Now, I will put the microchip in a safe place until this matter is resolved.

Moseby turns and puts the microchip in a hidden place...he walks off.

Cody: Bailey, I asked you to hold onto that microchip, you put the whole world in jeopardy!

Bailey: Yeah, the world of sandwiches. And tasty summer salads.

Zack: Huh?

Bailey: I looked at it on my computer, it's a recipe for a mayonnaise.

James Smith: Correction – zero calorie mayonnaise.

Zack: You said what was on that microchip could save mankind.

James Smith: Yes, from obesity and dry sandwiches.

Red Finger: But the recipe belongs to my company!

Cody: You said you were with the CIA.

Red Finger: Yes, the Condiment Institute of America.

Zack (to Smith): You're with the NSA.

James Smith: National Sandwich Alliance.

Red Finger: We could've sold that zero-calorie mayo for fifty bucks a jar. You kids may not be aware of this, but that is a lot to pay for mayonnaise.

Bailey: Well, now people are getting it for free.

James Smith (anxious): What? Wait, why!!

Bailey: Because, I sent the recipe to my Aunt Merdle, and she put it on the web.

James Smith: She put it on the internet?

Bailey: Oh, no, no, no, it's this huge spider web outside her house where she hangs notes. You know, "free kittens, tractors for sale", everyone in town looks at it.

James Smith: So what do we do now?

Red Finger: Well, I've been dying to try the buffet on the lido deck.

James Smith (links arms with her): Well I'll join in you. It'll be nice to have something going in for a change. (they walk off)

Cody: Bailey, I can't believe you broke your promise and looked at that microchip. How can I trust you again?

Bailey leans in and kisses him.

Cody: All is forgiven.

Cody walks off, and Zack holds out his cheek hoping for a kiss from Bailey. Cody turns back and drags Zack away.

Cody: Nope!

The Suite Life on Deck © Walt Disney
No infringement is intended by the transcription of this episode originally written by Jim Geoghan.